Oh Dear. A Really Bad Day….

I had a terrible nightmare last night. One of the worst, vivid and upsetting ones. Not had one like that for a while. A few things caused it I think. I was upset over the chickles, and was ill. three bad insect bites. Feeling dizzy, sick and light headed. Two chickles have gone broody again, which is truly awful. Bramble then Meg, they are in solitary, no bedding, just food. Only a few weeks since I broke it last time. So much for “they never go broody first year and never twice”. A week now and I’m upset thinking of them all alone at nights too. But they starve themselves for around 12 weeks, attack the others, won’t let them in the roost and if one does lay, they heat the eggs. So it has to be done, they aren’t sitting on eggs, just broody. Then I thought I heard Gizmo cluck a few times, so I bunged her in with Bramble. Gizmo seemed so upset, I decided to let them all out in the evening, Elsie and Fern had laid so I just shut the roost. Gizmo was so upset, fraught, in and out of the shed, and the house, I did note it was different behaviour from the other two. But at bedtime she gave me a cuddle and I thought not broody behaviour. Found this later in the rabbit litter tray in the box room and feel so awful.

Guid Nyghburris here yesterday, which is always a worry, loud and drunks everywhere, I was feeling very ill… and also Father’s Day absolutely everywhere for some reason , upset over the chickles too and cold last night. The dream. I was in a car, a grey one with a roof rack. Father driving, mother in the front brother in the back with me. He drove it straight into the river Nith on the Whitesands. I got out and raced around the gathered crowd,  wet & in a blanket saying they were still in the car, everyone shrugged or ignored me, including the police. I don’t even know if these people are still alive in real life, or where they are and don’t care. So why dream about them? I woke up in tears, so upset. but I think also I’ve been upset over the awful things that are happening out there. I listened to reports as they happened about the attack on the MP, so shocked and upset for her family, she seemed so lovely too, then the awful bad feeling and bullying raising its head again on Twitter, Orando, and failing my wee babies like that. What I don’t need is a nightmare.


Everything will be better tomorrow.

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